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Despite the fact that this year Halloween has not had the same dimension as in previous years, due to covid-19, we have confirmed that students enjoy it more than ever.

It is not news that the costumes get better year after year, in addition to the Halloween crafts.

Halloween is a pagan festival of Celtic origin that is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day. It is celebrated specially in Canada, the United Kingdom, or the USA, and less in countries like Spain.

Puede que este año la celebración de Halloween no haya tenido la misma dimensión que en cursos anteriores, pero hemos comprobado  que los alumnos han disfrutado más que nunca. 

Superación en los disfraces año año, y por supuesto, en sus actividades manuales “Halloween Crafts”.



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Farm Animals

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Happy Halloween! 👻🍬       During the weeks of October 18 th  and October 25 th , each grade in primary made a different craft related to Halloween. We made cotton bud skeletons, paper pumpkins, cats, balloon aliens, hand witches, yarn spider webs, and more! In conversation class, we learned a lot about the tradition of Halloween and how it has evolved from what it first was in the 18 th  century to what we know it as today. We learned about the ancient Irish Celts, All Saints Day, end of autumn celebrations, jack o´ lanterns, trick or treating, and other common traditions.