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New York

n our Bilingual Bicultural program, the students of 5º and 6º grade , made a Webquest about New York, their culture , customs , food , special days … 

The main objective of this dynamic has been thinking and investigating about the city of New York , their culture and identity. 

All of this has helped us to continue working and enhancing one of the objectives of this project , such as the TICs. 

Now we are going to talk about interesting facts that our students learn about New York City: 

  • A little over 8 million people live in New York City. 

  • More than 800 languages are spoken in New York City, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world

  • France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1886 for its centennial celebration.

  • The New York Public Library has over 50 million books and other items and is the second largest library system in the nation after the Library of Congress. It is also the 3rd largest library in the world.

  • Times Square is named after the New York Times. It was originally called Longacre Square until the Times moved there in 1904.

  • New York City became the first capital of the United States in 1789.

  • More Chinese people live in New York City than any other city outside of Asia. More Jewish people live there than any other city outside of Israel.

Esta semana en nuestro programa Bicultural Bilingüe, los alumnos de 5º y 6º de educación primaria han realizado un Webquest acerca de "New York", sus costumbres, días especiales y tipos de comidas.

El objetivo de dicha dinámica, ha sido pensar e investigar sobre "New York" y adentrarnos en su cultura e identidad.

Todo ello, nos ha ayudado a seguir trabajando y potenciando uno de los objetivos del proyecto de centro, las TICs.


Skyline of New York 

The Brooklyn Bridge

The Empire State Building 


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