In the US, Canada and UK February is Black History Month. This is a month where students learn about Black History and the accomplishments of Black people. Black History is an important part of US, Canadian, and British history. This project was about a month and a half long and done in 2ESOA, 2ESOB as well as 3ESOA. The students were given a topic to research about regarding Black History as well as Racism in the US and in Spain. In order for the students, to understand and empathize with the history and circumstances African Americans. It was important for them to see the effects of racism and systemic oppression are not just found “across the pond”. The topics ranged from the slave trade, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Redlining, George Flyod and BLM to Lucrecia Perez, Mmame Mbaye, the Spanish Caste system, Plantations (in the US and in Spanish colonies ie. Cuba), racism in Spanish football and about 50 more topics. Each student was required to research about their topic, crea...
Some info about the Bicultural Project of the School Nova Hispalis