In the US, Canada and UK February is Black History Month. This is a month where students learn about Black History and the accomplishments of Black people. Black History is an important part of US, Canadian, and British history.
This project was about a month and a half long and done in 2ESOA, 2ESOB as well as 3ESOA. The students were given a topic to research about regarding Black History as well as Racism in the US and in Spain. In order for the students, to understand and empathize with the history and circumstances African Americans. It was important for them to see the effects of racism and systemic oppression are not just found “across the pond”.
The topics ranged from the slave trade, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Redlining, George Flyod and BLM to Lucrecia Perez, Mmame Mbaye, the Spanish Caste system, Plantations (in the US and in Spanish colonies ie. Cuba), racism in Spanish football and about 50 more topics. Each student was required to research about their topic, create 3 posts on the padlet (one text, one article, one photo/video) and finally teach their classmates about what they learned in a roundtable discussion.
En Estados Unidos, Canadá y Reino Unido febrero es el mes en el que se conmemora "Black History". Es el mes en el que los estudiantes aprenden importantes acontecimientos en los cuales gente de color ha tenido una importante relevancia en la historia de dichos países.
Este proyecto ha sido llevado a cabo por los estudiantes de 2º y 3º ESO durante mes y medio. Los alumnos partieron desde este punto, recordando personas relevantes que ellos conocían y relacionando estos hecho con posibles casos de racismo sucedidos tanto en Estados Unidos como en España. De esta forma los estudiantes pueden entender, sensibilizarse y empatizar con las circunstancias históricas de los habitantes afroamericanos. Para ellos fue importante descubrir como los efectos de racismo y opresión sistemática pueden darse "al otro lado del charco" .
En dicho proyecto los alumnos trataron desde la trata de esclavos, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, George Flyod and BLM to Lucrecia Perez, Mmame Mbaye, trabajo de los esclavos en las diferentes plantaciones de las antiguas colonias españolas como el racismo en el fútbol...Cada estudiante buscó información acerca de un tema y creó 3 tópicos diferentes: texto, artículo y una foto o vídeo. Finalmente los compañeros bajo la supervisión del profesor llevaron a cabo un debate muy interesante sobre lo aprendido.
You can take a look to our Padlet in the following link
The padlet has served as an online resource for a variety of topics on Black History and racism (or better said ANTI-RACISM). The work they have done online is something to be extremely proud of, as they can share and learn about varies topics.
Furthermore, during our roundtable discussions many of the students came prepared and were able to have an open and honest conversation about difficult topics such as race, oppression, police brutality not only in the US, Canada and UK but also in Spain.
We are sharing with you the Padlet with all of the topics they students researched about, with articles and videos in hopes this Padlet becomes an educational resource for all students and those who wish to educate themselves in Black History and racism.
Me parece una muy buena idea