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 At Nova Hispalis the Bilingual and Bicultural program is implemented not only in Primary and Secondary but also with kindergarten!!

    Although we had to simplify the topic about animals around the world we were still able to take advantage of this topic and what the kids are learning in their regular curricular classes. The 5 year old students in kindergarten spent a month learning different animals, yoga poses inspired by animals and the origins of yoga!

Their morning routine always starts with yoga, followed by animal games. At the end of the animals topic they did a colour by numbers photo combining their knowledge of colours and numbers.

El proyecto Bicultural Bilingüe poco a poco está empezando a funcionar en Infantil. Los chicos de esta etapa aprendieron vocabulario relacionado con los animales. En la clase de 5 años, nuestros alumnos han pasado un mes aprendiendo vocabulario relacionado con animales, posturas de yoga inspiradas en  animales y también los orígenes de dicha práctica.

Su rutina matutina comenzaba ejercitando posturas de yoga y después realizaban diferentes juegos inspirados en vocabulario relacionado con los animales. Finalmente acabaron llevando a cabo fichas en las que tenían que colorear diferente partes de los animales siguiendo las instrucciones correspondientes, de esta forma fueron interiorizando vocabulario específico.


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Recycled materials

En 5º de Primaria, los estudiantes están trabajando en la asignatura de Inglés los materiales reciclados a partir de un divertido "Challenge".  Este proyecto nace con la intención de que nuestro alumnos alcancen los siguientes objetivos: Aprender en qué consiste el reciclaje y su proceso para utilizarlo en casa y en clase. Seleccionar los residuos que generamos en la vida diaria.  Disminuir la contaminación para la conservación de plantas y animales.  Aprender a valorar el medio ambiente mediante su conservación.  Concienciar del cuidado de nuestro entorno. Próximamente el resto de niveles pondrán visitar un museo creado e ideado por ellos mismos.  ¡Estos chicos son unos artistas! In grade 5, they are working with recyclable materials in their English class as part of a fun CHALLENGE! This project was born with the intention that would students reach the following objectives: - Learn about recycling and its process to use it in the classroom and at home. - Select the residues

Shakespeare: Plays and Plots

  Inspired by book day the students of grade 5 and 4 learned a little about Shakespeare and plays. They learn about how Shakespeare used different emotions as the main themes of his plays. The students learn advanced vocabulary on emotion, such as greif, guilt, envy, courage etc. Furthermore, they learned about filmmaking and what it takes to put on a production. They learned about the importance of music and props in a production. Furthermore, they learn to divide up the work and work together as a team! REMEMBER! There are no small roles just small actors ;) One of the most difficult skills they learned was how to write a script! However, after weeks of prepartion their hard work paid off.

New Technologies and vocab

  Today our students of  1st  of ESO have improved their vocabulary playing different online games.  It seems that they had a lot of fun!!  Nuestros estudiantes de 1º E.S.O. han puesto en práctica y mejorado su vocabulario gracias a varios juegos online. Parece que no lo han pasado nada mal.