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Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2021


  Despite the fact that this year Halloween has not had the same dimension as in previous years, due to covid-19, we have confirmed that students enjoy it more than ever. It is not news that the costumes get better year after year, in addition to the Halloween crafts. Halloween is a pagan festival of Celtic origin that is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day. It is celebrated specially in Canada, the United Kingdom, or the USA, and less in countries like Spain. Puede que este año la celebración de Halloween no haya tenido la misma dimensión que en cursos anteriores, pero hemos comprobado  que los alumnos han disfrutado más que nunca.  Superación en los disfraces año año, y por supuesto, en sus actividades manuales “Halloween Crafts”. .

Prehistoric Animals

  These days in our Bicultural Bilingual sessions, our students have studied some prehistoric and different animals such as mammoth, dodo, armadillo...  The final activity was to create small posters about new creatures. They needed to explain their skills, abilities. Consequently, they developed their imagination and also their speaking skills as they needed to do oral presentations, presenting their invented animals to the rest of the class.    Durante estos días , en las sesiones destinadas al proyecto Bicultural Bilingüe los alumnos de 4º de primaria han estado aprendiendo las diferentes  características de animales prehistóricos como: Mamut lanudo, dodo, armadillo, perezoso gigante...  Como actividad final han elaborado una tarjeta inventando las características y habilidades de nuevas criaturas. Fomentando así la imaginación y entrenando la presentación y exposición al resto del grupo.

Carnival: Sea and farm animals

  This week in our Bilingual Bicultural Project session, taking advantage of the carnival celebration and our unit about animals, younger primary students have made masks of different animals. Thus practicing the vocabulary related to the farm in 1st, 2nd and  and to marine animals in 3rd. . Esta semana en nuestra sesión de proyecto Bicultural Bilingüe, aprovechando la celebración de carnaval y nuestra unidad acerca de los animales, los alumnos de los primeros cursos de la etapa de Primaria han elaborado  mascarillas de diferentes animales. Practicando así el vocabulario de la granja en 1º,  2º y animales marinos en 3º.


  We have done something different in Primary: Thanksgiving. This year, they have created their own cornupia or horn of plenty. It represents wealth, generosity , harvest and friendship. Students were also required to write what they are thankful for and fill up the horn. La etapa de primaria ha celebrado “Thanksgiving” día de Acción de Gracias, elaborando su propia cornucopia o cuerno de la abundancia. Representa la riqueza y la generosidad de la cosecha de otoño y recuerda la amistad forjada entre dos pueblos. En cada alimento los alumnos han escrito su frase de agradecimiento.

New York

n our Bilingual Bicultural program, the students of 5º and 6º grade , made a Webquest about New York, their culture , customs , food , special days …  The main objective of this dynamic has been thinking and investigating about the city of New York , their culture and identity.  All of this has helped us to continue working and enhancing one of the objectives of this project , such as the TICs.  Now we are going to talk about interesting facts that our students learn about New York City:  A little over 8 million people live in New York City.  More than 800 languages are spoken in New York City, making it the most linguistically diverse city in the world France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1886 for its centennial celebration. The New York Public Library has over 50 million books and other items and is the second largest library system in the nation after the Library of Congress. It is also the 3rd largest library in the world. Times Square...

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!!!!Chinese Of Course                                         ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO! Chino por supuesto  This year we will be celebrating the year of the Ox! In grades 5 and 4 they learned about the Chinese Lunar New Year traditions as well as refreshed their knowledge about animals by learning the Chinese Zodiac. The origins of the Chinese Zodiac come from the Legend of the Great Race which was held by the Jade Emperor in order to measure time. The students had to do some math and calculate their Chinese Zodiac signs and those of their parents! Those born in 2010 were born in the year of the GOLD TIGER, while those born in 2011 are born in the year of the Rabbit. Este año se celebrará el año del buey. En los cursos de 4º y 5º de primaria los estudiantes han tenido la oportunidad de aprender sobre esta importante tradición y el calendario lunar además de refresca...

Endangered Animals

  Over these months,  our students have learnt all the vocabulary related to animals. On these photos, you can see 5th and 6th Primary students working and researching about endangered animals. Durante estos meses en el proyecto Bicultural Bilingüe nuestros estudiantes van a aprender todo el vocabulario relacionado con animales.  En  las fotos, podéis ver como alumnos de 5º y 6º de primaria  trabajan e investigan sobre los animales en peligro de extinción gracias a las TIC.